Sweet Tweets

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Psalm 27:13

Yesterday Buckhead Church hosted a large memorial for Jennifer Davidson, a young mother of three that died suddenly from a fast-moving infection this past weekend. The grief that her family, friends and coworkers are experiencing is heart wrenching to witness. There is such confusion is sudden, tragic death...especially when it seems that there is so much life yet to be lived. Over 600 people came to celebrate a life well lived...and for those of us there that hold fast to the saving grace that Jesus Christ offers, to celebrate the knowledge that she was home with her Savior.

I don't know how her husband John was able to speak at length on the wonders of the woman that he was married to for 12 years. He spoke of her love, high energy, commitment, loyalty and fun-loving heart. I'm sure that he never imagined that this day would happen. How can you? You breath catches in your chest to hear him share that just two days before her death he sent an email to a friend say that his life was so very abundant and evident of the many blessings he and his family had received, and that it would have been the perfect day if Jenny wasn't feeling under the weather. He mentioned in that email that he didn't deserve all the good things that he had been given. What gratitude. What an awful thing to lose.

I imagine that today is probably harder than the past few days. The days leading up to the funeral are busy and full of people surrounding you and carrying you. Then it is over and you are left with the reality of that empty place that was filled with such vital life. My heart breaks for this loving family and the days ahead...especially Christmas morning.

I remembered a quote that I love in times of loss, big and small.

"The One from whom had come 'the good old days' could be trusted to provide 'good new days.'"
- John Claypool

A simple truth that can be hard to cling to when it is so dark. But the character of God doesn't change. He is everlasting and ever present. He is faithful to provide and to heal, thankfully.

"I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."
Psalm 27:13

1 Remarks:

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was emotional. :o( I can't imagine going through something like that.