Sweet Tweets

Monday, December 05, 2005

The long and the short of it...

Nothing in particular on my mind, other than how great it was to come in from Fusion last night to a cozy apt with the Christmas tree all lit up and a storm raging outside. It was good to just be still after running around this past weekend.
I am becoming aware that I might be getting forgetful, just now realized that I left my fav scarf in Philadelphia (which my Mother reported that she is now wearing daily) and now I can't find my umbrella that I know I left Fusion with last night. Somewhere in between catching the valet service out to my car, stopping at Kroger's and walking through the front door, I have misplaced the only umbrella I own that is bigger than 1 ft in diameter. I may need to get on that vitamin thing so that I can stay sharp...

Does anyone else feel like this year was the longest and the shortest all rolled into one? To explain: I look back at all that has occurred in my life this past year, and it was a doozy. So, in that sense, it was long, drawn out and quite the experience. On the other hand, when the heck did the clock speed up to where we are now in full Christmas swing? Wasn't it just the summertime? I love, love, love the holidays, decorations, the music, the fellowship, the smells of good food and christmas trees, but I feel like it snuck up on me this year.

This year has been such a paradox for me, at the beginning, I could never have predicted where I am now...it's not that I feel that I moved forward or backward on this whole progress thing, more of a completely being taken by the shoulders and spun around a few times (like a pin the tail on the donkey game) and ending up in a position where everything is different, confusing, challenging, and exciting.

BTW - Good idea from Stewart's blog: discretion. So many things that I could have put a name, identifier or description of in previous paragraphs, but at the wise suggestion of a new buddy, discretion is the word of the day. :)

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